書名是Finding Ben
這是一本原文書, 國際書碼: 0071425500
這書是一位媽媽描寫他的亞斯伯格小孩 Ben 的故事
One mother remarkable account of raising an Asperger syndrome child
Ben seemed to be an extraordinary child.
Born with a superanalytical mind, he was able to store hordes of information like a minicomputer.
Yet, lurking beneath this boy genius amazing, albeit useless,
gifts for facts were an extraordinary fear of change and social aloofness. Unknown to his mother,
Barbara, until much later, Ben suffered from Asperger syndrome--the "little grown-up" disorder--a neurobiological
disease similar to autism. Frank, honest, and beautifully written,
Finding Ben is a remarkably moving account of Barbara LaSalle struggles to understand--and overcome--the
guilt she feels for not fully loving her son.
Burdened with the belief that the world would look at her son and somehow see her own failure,
Finding Ben is a powerfully honest narrative account of how a mother love can turn over time
into resentment for having to raise a special-needs child.
LaSalle special friendship with Jack, a man full of wisdom despite his debilitating brain aneurysm,
that LaSalle is finally able to love her son--and herself--again. With two stories to tell,
Finding Ben is both a fascinating look at a mercurial disease and a powerful story of
one mother personal journey from frustration and resentment to love and acceptance.
書名是Finding Ben
這是一本原文書, 國際書碼: 0071425500
這書是一位媽媽描寫他的亞斯伯格小孩 Ben 的故事
One mother remarkable account of raising an Asperger syndrome child
Ben seemed to be an extraordinary child.
Born with a superanalytical mind, he was able to store hordes of information like a minicomputer.
Yet, lurking beneath this boy genius amazing, albeit useless,
gifts for facts were an extraordinary fear of change and social aloofness. Unknown to his mother,
Barbara, until much later, Ben suffered from Asperger syndrome--the "little grown-up" disorder--a neurobiological
disease similar to autism. Frank, honest, and beautifully written,
Finding Ben is a remarkably moving account of Barbara LaSalle struggles to understand--and overcome--the
guilt she feels for not fully loving her son.
Burdened with the belief that the world would look at her son and somehow see her own failure,
Finding Ben is a powerfully honest narrative account of how a mother love can turn over time
into resentment for having to raise a special-needs child.
LaSalle special friendship with Jack, a man full of wisdom despite his debilitating brain aneurysm,
that LaSalle is finally able to love her son--and herself--again. With two stories to tell,
Finding Ben is both a fascinating look at a mercurial disease and a powerful story of
one mother personal journey from frustration and resentment to love and acceptance.
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