Growing up in an Asperger
family by Maxine
在亞斯柏格家庭長大的孩子 作者: 瑪克辛阿斯頓
Sarah was seventeen when she first came to see me; she had been in therapy before and had a history of eating disorders, self-harm and anxiety. Sarah was not the first member of her family who had found their way into my counselling room as I had been seeing Sarah’s parents for almost six months.
Sarah’s mother had initiated counselling for herself and her husband, as she suspected that her husband was on the Autistic Spectrum but had not realised she was also affected. During our counselling sessions, I recommended that both went for a diagnosis and this resulted in a diagnosis of Asperger syndrome (AS) for both of them.
During one of my sessions with Sarah’s parents I raised the issue of their only daughter and asked if they would describe her to me. They described her as being a ‘problem’. Her father felt she did not put enough effort into what she did and could have done better in her GSCE’s. He also said that she played her music too loud and made a mess everywhere. He went on to describe how she would walk around eating a piece of toast or cracker bread without using a plate, dropping crumbs on the floor. Sarah’s mother joined in to say how hard she had tried to make things better for her daughter and how her daughter just argued with her all the time. Totally confused, she recounted how she had told Sarah that if only she would concentrate on her work and stop spending time with her loud friends, she might be happier.
某次莎拉的父母諮詢時,我提到了他們的唯一的女兒,並詢問他們是否可以對我描述他們的獨生女。他們形容自己的女兒是個「問題」。她的父親認為她做事不夠努力,而且她的GSCE (英國的國中畢業考)應該能更好。他也說,她放音樂太大聲,把每個地方都弄得亂七八糟。莎拉的父親繼續形容莎拉會邊走邊吃吐司或餅乾,把麵包屑掉一地,卻不使用盤子。沙拉的母親也插一腳,開始說她為了女兒盡力把事情做好,但女兒每次都只會跟她起爭執。莎拉的母親完全搞不懂,她描述她怎麼告訴莎拉,只要莎拉能夠對工作更專注,而且不要在她那些吵鬧的朋友身上浪費時間,莎拉可能會更快樂。
As I listened to Sarah’s parent’s describe their daughter, I realised they had not told me anything about who she was, only about what she did that they found frustrating. With this in mind, I asked ‘How do you think your Autism had affected Sarah?’ This question was met with total silence. Sarah’s mother was the first to reply by asking what I meant. I explained that presuming Sarah was not on the Autistic spectrum, how would they know if they had met her needs and really understood who their daughter was?
Sarah’s parents struggled to understand this concept and it was becoming clear that they did not truly comprehend their daughter’s world or what it consisted of. They asked if I thought it would be useful to see their daughter. I said I would be happy to see Sarah, but it was important that she was also happy to see me and we agreed that the sessions would be confidential to Sarah unless she gave permission otherwise.
So now, with Sarah in front of me, she was aware of her parents’ diagnosis but not aware of what it meant. I explained AS to Sarah and its potential effect on her upbringing. It was not long before Sarah was in a flood of long overdue tears. “At last” she cried, “I finally understand what caused all the problems – I have spent all these years believing it was me. At times, I thought I was going mad. I knew my parents loved me, but could not understand why I never felt it!”
and AS
AS does not create bad parents; bad parents exist irrespective of whether or not they are affected by AS. AS does however cause difficulties in communication, social interaction and the ability to comprehend another person’s state of mind or perception, in other words, empathy. It is this difficulty with empathy that has the biggest impact on the parents’ ability to understand their children and to recognise that their thoughts, needs and perceptions are different to their own.
Gillberg sums this up well (1):
Gillberg 總結這件事(1):
The fact that some parents of children with HFA and AS themselves have autism-associated features begs the question of parenting skills in such individuals. It would not be unreasonable to assume that poor empathy in the parent might contribute to some behavioural/psychological problem in the child quite apart from any genetic influence. However, one might equally argue that a parent with similar but milder problems would be better able to understand and cope with some of the child's problems because they may be perceived as personality style rather than 'disorder'. Future studies should seek to explore these issues and try sensibly and sensitively to avoid the mistake of the past regarding the scape-goating of parents.
Gillberg points out that poor empathy skills, part of the core affects of having AS, could have a negative effect on the child’s mental health and outlook. If the child, too, is on the Autistic spectrum, the AS parent may have a better understanding of their child. In some cases, this is undoubtedly true. In her book Pretending to be Normal (2), Liane Holliday Willey talks openly about the struggles of being a parent with AS and confesses that she finds understanding her children with AS far easier than those that aren’t.
Gillberg指出,缺乏同理技巧,罹患了亞斯伯格症核心影響的部分,會對孩子的心理健康以及未來造成負面的效果。如果孩子也是位於自閉症光譜中,亞斯伯格父母會更能裡解他們的孩子。在一些案例中,這是無疑的。在她的著作「假裝正常」中,Liane Holliday Willey開放的說出她身為亞斯柏格家長的艱辛,並坦承她發現她能輕易理解罹患了亞斯柏格的孩子,但較難理解其他沒有罹患亞斯柏的孩子。
I worry a lot about the influence I have on my daughters' self esteem and
happiness. I do not want to fill their lives with anxiety or shame. My concern
for them pulls me toward the mainstream even if I bruise along the way. I feel
badly I do not encourage them to have many friends over…….I regret that small
talk with the parent’s of my daughters’ friends is not easy for me. I am shamed
when I do not know how to act. I dislike myself very much when hear myself say.
‘Be quiet! Stop. Slow down. I can’t keep up. Please don’t talk to me all at
once’ when my girls are only happily excited to share their day with me.
Liane has clearly developed an understanding of both the positives and negatives that can affect the parenting skills of an adult with AS and she has done much to explore, understand and give her children the best upbringing she could. Liane is a ‘good-enough’ parent but what happens if the parent is not aware they are on the Autistic spectrum? In my research (3) I divide my original sample into two groups: the first was women married to, or living with, a partner diagnosed with AS where both partners understood and accepted the effect this can have; the second was women married to, or living with, a partner who did not accept they were on the Autistic spectrum despite the fact their child had been diagnosed and it was quite clear that this highly genetic disorder (4) had been inherited from the father. When if they believed their partner’s condition had caused problems with the children, the answer ‘yes’ increased by 26 per cent in the latter group, indicating that awareness and understanding of AS may play a crucial role in difficulties raising children. However, it needs to be noted that even in the group who were aware, 40 per cent said they were having problems that could be directly attributed to one of the parents having AS.